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Creating an eye-catching packaging design, and promoting the new Premium blend tea pearls… were the goals of this project for the brand ©Purethé. With a focus on quality and flavors, the brand identity was designed to be minimalist, using simple yet striking graphics that showcase the brand's commitment to sustainability.


  • Brand Identity
  • Product Packaging
  • 3D Visualizations
  • Promo Video
purethe logo4

Our minimalist Design approach

The design of the eco-friendly tea packaging focuses on highlighting the unique selling point of the product: its innovative fruity soluble tea pearls. The graphics feature colorful, eye-catching images of the fruit flavors, which help to evoke a sense of excitement and novelty. The vibrant colors and bold imagery make the product stand out on shelves, and appeal to tea lovers who are looking for a new flavorful experience all year around.

purethe packaging
purethe visual1
purethe visual2
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